Jokic is trying to stay on top and Embiid is trying to stay on the court

 Source:politics Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 18:28:16 Number of comments:

NEW YORK (AP) — Nikola Jokic and Joel Embiid are the NBA’s main men in the middle, the two centers combining for the last three MVP awards in the regular season with perhaps another coming soon.

It’s in the postseason where their paths are so different.

Jokic cemented his place among the game’s greats by leading the Denver Nuggets to last year’s NBA title, and he appears intent on staying on top.

Embiid is just trying to stay on the court.

He’s rarely been healthy enough to mount a real run at a championship and he’s already at less than full strength just a game into this postseason.

Jokic will try to lead the Nuggets to a 2-0 lead over the Los Angeles Lakers on Monday, while the Philadelphia 76ers hope Embiid can help them tie up their series against the New York Knicks.